Payment & Withdrawal

Payment options

For members from countries other than Maldives, can pay via Redotpay 

Redotpay ID : 1562324867
Payment Withdrawal Policy

To initiate a payment withdrawal, your account must meet the following requirements:

  1. Account Verification: Your account needs to be verified.
  2. Profile Picture: Profile Picture: You must have a profile picture to your EarnHubb profile..
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Your account must have 2FA enabled.

For members located in the Maldives, withdrawals can be made via bank transfer. You need to provide your bank account details, including the account name, which must match the account number you previously used for Afirin.Net Pro payments.
Exchange rate will be $1 = MVR 15.42

For international members, withdrawals can be processed via RedotPay or Payoneer.